The surreal, otherworldly landscape of Minas de Riotinto was captured by an eager Google Street View driver who sneaked into an officially restricted zone. The former mine, now closed and derelict, stands as a vast monument to the struggle between man and nature. It’s well worth it to explore the area – in Street View or, even better, in person, as there are tours which venture into the remains of the mine.
El surrealista e impactante paisaje de Minas de Riotinto ha sido capturado por un animoso conductor de Google Street View, que se coló dentro de una zona teóricamente restringida. La antigua explotación minera, ya cerrada y ruinosa, es un vasto monumento a la lucha entre el hombre y la naturaleza. Es muy recomendable explorar la zona – en Street View o, mejor aún, en persona, con alguna de las excursiones que se aventuran en lo que queda de la mina.